
Bridging research, policy-making and public debate

In the past decade, drug policy has triggered many debates and come under increased scrutiny. UNGASS 2016 showed that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't fit anymore. Public responses were designed mostly in policy silos, and over time, they have proven to do more harms than good.

Things are changing. Drug policies around the world are becoming more diverse, with an overall trend towards more balanced, integrated and evidence-based approaches. Despite differences in visions and rhythms, drug policy making communities are exploring new avenues of thinking and policy solutions. Greater consideration is also now given to human rights principles and sustainable development objectives.

The Daleth research project objective of policy contribution is two-fold: 

  • Stimulate idea transfer and policy reflection on a more people-centered approach to drugs, and avenues for greater policy coherence on drugs, development and human rights across communities of practice and sectors concerned by illicit drug-related issues through dialogue dynamics and knowledge exchange.

  • Propose policy assessments and program evaluations to interested public or private actors (including technical expertise, programme evaluations, and focused studies) to document impacts, lessons, trials, and best practices.

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